Biochemical Engineering, BSc
The aim of the program is to enable students to be competent in all fields of biotechnology by providing them with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills (engineering and technological). Students will experience laboratory and manufacturing practices for themselves that a biochemical engineer might encounter in everyday work. Students will get acquainted with the equipment and apparatus used in the biotechnological industry and understand their optimal operation.
Chemical Engineering, BSc
The objective of the program is to train professionals who possess the foundational knowledge and technical skills that comprise the natural, social and chemical engineering sciences. Students acquire the most essential skills in technology and safety, environmental protection, management, and social sciences. Concrete practical methods as well as the capability to apply acquired skills will help them to get accustomed to the professional requirements and standards of their future workplace. They will be capable of understanding/controlling production processes, providing quality assurance and technical services, and solving tasks regarding planning and development.
Civil Engineering, BSc
The objective of the Civil Engineering BSc program is to train civil engineers who are capable of solving complex plan, design, management, operational and construction problems related to civil engineering in the public sector and private industry. Graduates will possess a potential for leadership, an ability to communicate effectively and a capacity to work in a team.

Electrical Engineering, BSc
The program provides a comprehensive education that prepares students for a successful engineering practice and/or advanced studies. Students learn about the basic physical laws governing our environment, about material science and technology at the micro- and nanometer level, as well as mathematics and informatics. They acquire practical knowledge in computer engineering and electronic technology, microelectronics and energy systems, optical materials and automation. Apart from basic and applied knowledge, students will be trained in e-commerce, planning, and solving and managing problems efficiently.
Food Engineering, BSc
The BSc in food engineering is aimed at training professionals who are able to operate, supervise and develop food processing technologies. The studies include the physical, chemical and biological fundamentals of engineering with special emphasis on food quality and safety related issues. Besides becoming acquainted with operations and technological processes the students also learn economic, management and analytical subjects. The main goal of the program is to train experts who are able to fully provide services related to the everyday tasks of operation from engineering, biological and chemical work to management duties based on their comprehensive theoretical knowledge.
Vehicle Engineering, BSc
The purpose of the program is to train vehicle engineers who are able to accomplish basic engineering tasks related to the design, manufacturing, systems thinking perspective of operation, and the repair of automotive, railway, naval and air vehicles, vehicle systems, construction and material handling machines and mobile machinery, considering the technicalities of transportation and logistics. They perform these tasks in accordance with the ruling principles of safety, environmental protection and power management. Students will be prepared to continue their studies at Master’s (MSc) level.
Chemical Engineering, MSc
The training objective of the Chemical Engineering MSc is to improve the supply of engineering professionals, and to keep those with BSc degree from migrating. Our objective is to train professionals who possess the general knowledge, technical intelligence and the basics of natural, social and engineering sciences, which are essential for the practice of the chosen profession.
Environmental Engineering, MSc
The objective of the program is to train environmental engineers with up-to-date scientific, ecological, engineering, economic, and management knowledge to be capable of identifying and assessing existing and potential environmental threats, preventing or reducing environmental damage, as well as preparing and controlling damage control projects. They are able to carry out complex engineering and scientific design and analytical procedures on the basis of their up-to-date knowledge of informatics with the help of design, modeling, and simulation software. They are prepared to set out and apply adequate technological solutions to prevent environmental pollution, to provide engineering design, and manage tasks in the field of waste processing and recycling. They are able to optimize environmental technologies and environmental impacts. They are prepared for further studies in a doctoral program.
Mechatronical Engineering, MSc
The aim of the program is to train mechatronics engineers who are capable of integrating engineering with electronics, electrotechnics, and computer control in a synergetic way at a global standard. They are able to formulate concepts, to model, design, produce and subsequently maintain and control mechatronic machinery, processes, systems and intelligent machines. They are able to develop and apply new technologies, procedures, and materials; to provide managerial and organizational tasks; and to be involved in and manage engineering development, research, design, and innovation in domestic as well as international engineering projects in the field of mechatronics.
Rural Development Engineering, MSc
The objective of the program is to train professionals who understand sustainable development and the present problems of rural areas based on knowledge relating to agriculture, economic management, as well as regional and rural development, who can cooperate in the determination of possible directions of development, can define special development programs, can manage their realizations and who can carry out the monitoring of processes.

Urban Systems Engineering, MSc
The objective of the program is to train urban system engineers who can effectively contribute to urban planning, settlement architecture, principal architecture, and technical authorities; furthermore, these engineers will be able to assist administrations and communal maintenance services and the protection of the urban built environment of a local government. Urban systems engineers are prepared at a high level to implement the conception and programs of urban development and to form their plans. They are able to harmonize the development of settlements, groups of settlements, and areas to make spatial plans, to manage and control such activities, and to conduct scientific research in the professional field.
Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Engineering and Sustainability Leadership
The fundamental aim of the training is to provide the participants with general professional knowledge of strategic management, to build on this knowledge in order to understand and apply a wide range of factors that influence organizational management, and to use the resources available to them in order to run the company effectively. With these skills, graduates will be able to build and operate integrated systems. Moreover, the training aims to prepare participants for leadership roles in an international working environment at a technical company operating in Hungary or abroad and to make them competitive in the international labour market.

Business Informatics, BSc
The Business Informatics BSc program trains professionals who bridge the gap between the developers of business software and their users. During their training students learn how to implement their knowledge in the fields of economics and IT. As a result, they will be able to understand both software development and business and financial processes, and consequently, after graduation they will be able to solve business problems supported by info-communication technologies and to operate business IT systems. Moreover, they will be able to cooperate with economics and business professionals, partners, and software developers. This major prepares business informatics students for working in a business environment rich in data and enables them to acquire certification in business information technology. Besides this, students have the opportunity to study the most important modules of software produced by SAP, the top company producing business management software. Such knowledge will give students a profitable advantage in the labor market.
Computer Science, BSc
Computer Science BSc students acquire knowledge that enables them to create, introduce, operate, service, develop and implement software-oriented IT devices and systems on their own or as members of a team. They learn how to design, analyze and apply algorithms using the most important paradigms, and study basic software development methodologies and technologies. They receive instruction in the skills of data modelling and designing, creating and modifying databases; furthermore, they will learn the use of SQL and will be capable of applying the methods and tools of artificial intelligence, logical programming, using divided systems, and developing websites. The theoretical and practical knowledge that students acquire during their studies makes it possible for them to start MSc courses. The ones who decide to start working after graduation will most likely develop and operate mobile, desktop, server web and multimedia applications and IT systems.
Computer Science Engineering, BSc
The Computer Science Engineer BSc belongs to the field of informatics training; however, it is also characterized by an engineering approach. Computer science engineer BSc students acquire appropriate knowledge that enables them to implement and operate information and technical information systems and services, and to carry out developments on them. They study the technical elements of information and infrastructure systems such as computers, telecommunication networks, embedded systems, measurement and management technology solutions, and operating systems. They also study practical engineering methods, the application of software development methodology, and the use of development tools.
Computer Science, MSc
Computer Science, MSc students are able to use and develop the theoretical knowledge acquired in BSc courses at a more advanced level. Using this knowledge as a foundation in the long run, they can work individually or in a team. Their responsibilities include the development, creation, implementation, introduction, operation, and service of IT systems. They also possess skills that enable them to cooperate and create models needed for solving IT tasks related to their specialization. Successful students possess appropriate knowledge enabling them to use their skills in an innovative way in order to carry out research and development tasks in fields such as:
Formatting complex IT problems, examining the theoretical and practical background for their solution;
Completing tasks connected with planning, developing, operating and managing related to the operation of complex software systems;
Assessing the business, marketing and innovative values of planned or implemented IT systems, validating software products;
Planning and implementing specific tasks in quality management.
Computer Science Engineering, MSc
Computer Science Engineering, MSc students have the opportunity to broaden the knowledge that they have acquired over the course of a BSc program, to get acquainted with the modern trends of informatics and to deepen this knowledge. Besides theoretical education, a great emphasis is placed on practical training which is done in IT laboratories. Moreover, students have the opportunity to carry out individual activities which are coordinated and supervised by well-qualified consultants, and they can take part in research projects related to their chosen field which can serve as a basis for their master’s thesis.

Biology, BSc
The aim of the program is to provide students with basic knowledge in the most important biological fields. Students will attain skills in the fundamental methods of laboratory and applied biology and come to understand the most important processes of biochemistry, cytology and components of living organisms. The Biology BSc program covers a broad range of biological science including the most important concepts in modern biology; the biological levels of organization; the fundamental principles of structure and function and the development of ecosystems.
Chemistry, BSc
The aim of this study program is the training of chemists possessing theoretical and practical knowledge in chemistry as well as satisfactory basic knowledge in related fields of science (e. g. mathematics, physics, informatics, biology) and at least one foreign language. Degree holders will be able to apply their knowledge in recognizing and solving practical problems in industrial chemical production, in analytical, agricultural, and quality assurance laboratories, as well as in various fields of administration and environmental protection.
​Earth Sciences, BSc
Earth scientists research the specific and complex earth system, studying its composition, structure, history, material and energy flow and transformation processes, raw material and energy resources to be utilized, and values to be protected together with features and processes that may prove to be hazardous for mankind. Earth scientists aim to understand both the long-term and short-term results of global and regional natural and anthropogenic processes. The numerous applied fields of earth sciences (e.g. raw material exploration, water supply protection, volcanology, seismology, weather forecasting, alternative and renewable energy resources) fundamentally influence the quality of our everyday life, as well as technology in our civilization and our relationship with the natural environment.
​Geography, BSc
The geography BSc program trains professional geographers who have deep insight into spatial processes. Relying on their strong geoinformatical knowledge base, graduates of the program are able to understand natural, environmental, technical and social phenomena and to develop applied science-based solutions
Mathematics, BSc
The program provides students with knowledge of basic elements of the most important mathematical fields. Students of mathematics will attain skills in fundamental methods of applied mathematics which are useful for technical, economical, statistical and computer modeling. The Mathematics BSc program provides a standard of knowledge and competence to students that will make them eligible for second cycle course units or degree programs.​​​

Physics, BSc
Students of the Physics BSc program obtain a thorough training in subject areas pertaining to Physics – from mechanics to particle physics. They learn about the physical laws governing our environment and get acquainted with the basic constituents and structure of matter. During the BSc program they acquire practical knowledge in physics, computing, and technology. Apart from learning about physics, students will learn how to think and plan logically and solve problems efficiently.
The main aim of the program is to provide the students with effective knowledge that they can successfully apply both in mathematical modeling and in the solution of problems arising in practice. Emphasis is put on the capability of working cooperatively in groups with experts in other fields (computer science, engineering, economics, etc.).
Biology, MSc
The Biology, MSc course trains the researchers of the future in the fields of genetics, plant biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, and zoology. Students will learn specialized knowledge in biology, ecology; how to plan and carry out research projects, collect and analyze data, write up and publish results; and conduct their own small-scale research projects under the supervision of world-renowned experts in biology and ecology.
Environmental Sciences, MSc
The MSc in Environmental Sciences, with specialization in ecology, environmental and nature conservation provides knowledge about the main topics regarding environmental sciences, focusing on terrestrial and aquatic environmental protection and ecological and nature conservational aspects.
​Hydrobiology - Water Quality Management, MSc
The Water Management, MSc course develops knowledge and understanding in physical, chemical, and ecological aspects of water science in temperate, tropical, and semi-arid zones. It provides a foundation in basic processes in each key subject area, as well as in interactions throughout the hydrological cycle, the various hydrological processes and functions, and the impact these have on health.
Molecular Biology, MSc
The MSc in molecular biology program aims to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of and practical skills in the field of molecular biology. This includes application of molecular biology techniques; a general knowledge of the molecular biology methods; ability to alter and modulate genes; a practical approach to scientific problems in multidisciplinary teams with an emphasis on medicine-related projects; understanding of the genomic data; planning and performing genetical modifications; setting up and testing recombinant expression systems for medicinal or industrial purposes; translation of laboratory results to clinical practice; obtaining, preserving, and evaluating genetic material; and the ability to test and establish personalized medicine-based approaches. The students can specialize in the fields of biochemistry and genomics.
Physics, MSc
The objective of the programme is to train physicist, who is able to realize physical principles in natural phenomena, to perform their experimental investigation according to scientific standards, and to obtain the theoretical understanding. The training enables her/him to develop and operate industrial, IT, and measuring systems related to physical laws and high technology processes. The student is able to continuously broaden her/his knowledge and has the aptitude for continuing her/his studies in the framework of doctoral studies.